Welcome to the EasiReader Privileges Club. Join up and receive exclusive benefits and the latest news.

This newsletter privacy policy is created to demonstrate our commitment to your privacy and the protection of information.

If you received an email from us, (a) you have either subscribed to our newsletter online, or (b) your email address is listed with us by somebody else for the purpose of receiving information in the future ("opt-in"). Your time and attention are important therefore we carefully control the frequency of our mailings.

Privacy Protection
Security measures are employed to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of information in our system.

Sharing and Usage
The individual personal data will never be shared, sold, or rented to a third party without your authorisation or unless ordered by a court of law.

Personal data submitted through our web site is only available to our employees for purposes of contacting you, sending you email messages according to your request for information.

Newsletter Subscription Cancellation
Each email sent to you holds a simple, automated way to stop receiving our newsletters, or to alter your personal details and interests. If you wish to do this, please follow the instructions at the bottom of the electronic message.

If you have received unwanted, unsolicited email sent via our mailing engine please contact us.

St Jude Charcoal
St Jude Charcoal